
Optus Telco Site Fence design

Site Fence


1. Standards

Selection of a fence or not is to follow the section Site Fence Decision Strategy. All materials for the supply and construction of boundary and security fences, including all gates, posts and supports as necessary will comply with the requirements of the appropriate Australian Standards. Specification details of Optus’ standard fence solutions are set out in OSD-140 & 141.

2. Site Preparation

The Supplier will be responsible for setting the fence line to the correct alignment and clearing of the alignment for fence construction. All clearing required along the fence alignment will be carried out to create the minimum possible disturbance to any vegetation outside the site area.

3.  Fencing of Compounds

Construct post and chain mesh fence in accordance with Standard Drawing OSD-140 & 141. Refer to Site Drawings for gate type (double or single) and for special requirements for matching existing fencing construction and painting requirements.

4. Fencing Around Guyed Mast Anchorages

Fencing around guyed mast anchorages will be 1.2 metres high stock fence (post & wire) unless specified otherwise on the Site Drawings. One short end is to be left open for cattle to graze.

Fencing will be extended to achieve a minimum 2.4 metres vertical clearance from ground level to the lowest guy wires or extended as indicated on the Site Drawings

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