
What is DSL in Telco industry

Draft Site Layout (DSL) Drawings

Prime & Backup Candidates

Draft Site Layout drawings for the prime candidate are intended for presentation to site providers and relevant authorities, therefore the drawing presentation is important. It should correctly and completely show all the existing structure, utility, vegetation and new works with compliance to the requirements of
all the authorities and stakeholders concern.
The number of antennas shown on the preliminary drawings should include provision for Optus’ future requirements, with a balance reached to suit the site conditions and planning constraints. Guidance shall be sought from the Optus Project Manager as to the actual antenna configuration to be shown.
The backup candidate shall be treated equally in respect to the level of information gathered at the Site Design Visit (SDV) as the prime candidate. However, unless directed otherwise by Optus, the backup candidate is to be documented as sketches, with some (or all) CAD content at the discretion of the
Optus vendor. Also, the elevation drawing is optional at the Optus vendor’s discretion, unless directed otherwise by Optus.

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